PLSI-2000 – Pre-Law Summer Institute for American Indians and Alaska Natives


PLSI Class of 2000

Top Row: Heidi Nesbitt (S), Kevin Washburn (Speaker), John St. Pierre, Prof. Frank Pommersheim, Prof. John LaVelle, Arthur Fry (TA), Edgar Tohtsoni (S), Prof. Ted Occhialino

Second Row: Rosina (Rosie) Dee, Thomas (TJ) McReynolds, Vanessa Ray-Hodge, Gyasi Ross, Jason Hauter (TA), Timothy McNeill, Lucy Beals (TA), Lisa Lang (TA)

Third Row: Timothy Harjo, Ken Reid, Lisa Nelmida, Alisha Thompson, Danelle Smith, Loa Porter, Irene Folstrom-Rieke, Timothy Taylor, Lisa LaCroix, James (Okwaho) Washinawatok

Fourth Row: Regina Holyan (TA) Lola Wood, Milton Bluehouse, Jr., Judy Mitchell (S), Toby Grossman (S), Charmaine McDarment, DeAnna LeBeau Garza

Bottom Row: Prof. Roberta Price, Prof. Jennifer Davis Hall, Magdalene (Maggie) McCarty, Michelle René Torres, Josepha (Joey) Hernandez

Not Pictured: Veronica Bailey and Cheryl Smoker

(TA) = Teaching Assistant, (S) = Staff


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